The solar battery appears to be flat - no summary is available.
These are some example answers and recommended actions based on the actual weather forecast.
Answers last updated at 3am, March 15th
No.No strong winds are predicted on any day
No.Soil temperature does not exceed 10° (maximum soil temperature is -9999°)
No.Soil moisture is more than 10% (lowest soil moisture is 15.35%)
Select a graph to view
This is an example of actual telemetry and forecasting from a soil sensor.
This demo shows the 7 day forecast, soil moisture & temperature summary as well as irrigtation recommendations.
You can also experiment with the irrigation simulation and explore historical recorded telemetry.
You can select any dates from between 1 Jan 2009 and today.
For best results, try not to use a date range greater than 4 weeks.
This shows the last 7 days of forecasts, listed by hour.
Each hour shows the forecast that was made for it, for the last 7 days.
Provide a irrigation amount for a particular date and time, and see how this affects the following days.
Please email [email protected], or by Twitter @WxOutside.