Using as little as 4 weeks' worth of recorded data, you can have hourly forecasting made for your exact location and accurate to within 0.5 percentage points or ½ degree.
4 weeks' worth of data is enough, but ongoing telemetry makes it even more accurate.
WxOutside forecasting learns the difference between heavy rain and showers - and how the soil reacts - and adjusts the forecasts accordingly.
If you're wondering how irrigation will affect the soil with the upcoming weather, you can simulate how the soil moisture and temperate will react with different amounts of water.
Your questions are answered in plain English, and the graphs highlight the threshold breaches or decision points when they occur.
Forecasts are updated every single hour of the day.
The weather forecast can change often, and the soil moisture and soil temperature forecasts will adjust instantly.
WxOutside receives data from the sensor.
The forecasting infrastructure is cloud-based and can handle thousands of simultaneous sensor forecasts.
Forecasts are sent to the irrigation controller, and are used for graphing purposes or for automating irrigation schedules.
Notifications are sent when threshold breaches are forecast, and summaries are generated for regulatory compliance purposes.
Please use use the contact form below to send a message - or alternatively, email [email protected], or by Twitter @WxOutside.